BPA College in Nepal
Which college(s) offer BPA in Nepal?
Here are the list of colleges offering BPA course in Nepal (Updated 2024)
Beginning with the 2070–2071 academic year, the Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA) program was offered in Nepal by Tribhuvan University’s Faculty of Management, Central Department of Public Administration, Public Administration Campus, Kathmandu. Offered at the Public Administration campus building in Kathmandu, the curriculum lasts four years and consists of eight semesters. In Nepal, more than four colleges now offer BPA program, which are listed as follows:
1. Public Administration Campus, Kathmandu
Address: Balkhu, Kathmandu,
Phone No: 01-4673011
Email: info@cdpa.edu.np
Website: www.cdpa.edu.np
Available Seats: 44
Scholarship Info: Forty four students will be admitted in a section. Out of them, four students will get half scholarship in the tuition fee. The priority will be given to them who did +2 and SLC from public college/school.
2. Mahendra Morang Adarsha Multiple Campus, Biratnagar
Address: Roadcess Chowk, Biratnagar – 12, Morang
Phone No: 021-471791(Campus Administration), 021-471024(BPA Dept.)
Email: mmamc_brt@yahoo.com
Website: www.mmamc.edu.np
Available Seats: 44
Scholarship Info: The campus provides scholarships to the needy and deserving students. Scholarships are provided depending upon the student’s academic performance, class activities and academic progress.
3. Prithvi Narayan Campus, Pokhara
Address: Bagar, Pokhara, Kaski
Phone No: 061-526837
Email: info@pncampus.edu.np
Website: www.pncampus.edu.np
Available Seats: 34
Scholarship Info: The Student’s Welfare Division is set up to help and give advice to the needy students who get difficulties while in the campus.
4. Mahendra Multiple Campus, Nepalganj
Address: Bhansar Road, Nepalganj 13, Banke
Phone No: 081-520278, 081-525578
Email: info@mmcampus.edu.np
Website: www.mmcampus.edu.np
Available Seats: 32
Scholarship Info: Scholarships are provided as per the Tribhuvan University and College rule. Topper of each semester gets 75% Scholarship.
Source Credit: EduSanjal