Development Management Area – BPA Specializations Syllabus | Course of Content

DM 451 – Project Management:

Objective: This course aims to develop students understanding of the basic concepts and tools of project management so that they can handle projects.


  1. Introduction, Concept and types of Project, Relation between Plan, Program and Project, Project Cycle, Project Management.
  2. Project planning: Concept of Project Formulation, Project Planning Process, Feasibility study and Proposal Writing
  3. Project Appraisal: Concept and aspects of Project Appraisal – market, technical, economic, financial, environmental, organizational, Appraisal Technique: Concept of Discounting and Non Discounting Technique
  4. Project Implementation: Concept of Project Implementation, types of project organization structure, Project Scheduling : Gantt Chart, Network Techniques – PERT, CPM
  5. Project monitoring and Evaluation: Monitoring and evaluation adopted by NPC Nepal, Project Management Information System (PMIS): Concept and Process, Case study preparation

DM 452 – Cooperative Management:

Objective:The intention of this course is to impart particular knowledge and skills required for governing and managing cooperatives. The course consists of origin and development of cooperatives, different forms of cooperatives, issues in cooperative governance and management and recent development in the field of cooperatives.


  1. Foundation of Cooperatives: Meaning and definition, Characteristics, Objectives, Functions, Significance, Fundamental Principles, Values, Scope and difference with other forms of organizations
  2. Historical Development of Cooperatives in Selected countries: Development of Cooperatives in United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Denmark, Israel, India, China and Sri Lanka
  3. Forms of Cooperatives: Consumer’s Co-operatives, saving and Credit Co-operatives, marketing Co-operatives, Agriculture co-operatives, Housing Co-operatives, Industrial Co-operatives and Multi-Purpose Co-operatives
  4. Evolution and legal framework of Co-operative in Nepal: Traditional cooperatives in Nepal, Modern Co-operatives in Nepal, Types of cooperatives in Nepal, Major features of cooperative Acts, rules and regulations in Nepal
  5. Recent Trends in Co-operatives in Nepal: Institutional arrangements of Co-operatives , Emerging Trends and Problems and prospects of Co-operatives in Nepal

DM 453 – Tourism Management:

Objective: This course aims to impart the knowledge of tourism management in Nepal. After completion of this course, students will be able to understand the dynamics of tourism industry.


  1. Introduction: Concepts, features/characteristics and Significance, Evolution of Tourism at National Level  and Global Level, Types  and forms of tourism, Factors affecting tourism
  2. Tourism Organizations and Role of different stakeholders: Role and function of international organization and national organizations related to tourism industry
  3. Tourism Resources and tourism Products in Nepal: Natural Resources, Cultural Resources, Tourism Products, Major tourist destinations
  4. Policy, Plan and Regulation regarding tourism in Nepal: Tourism policy in Nepal and related rule and regulation, Tourism Act,National Aviation Policy,Nepal Tourism Board Act, Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal Act, Different National regulations relating to Tourism, Policies and priorities regarding tourism under different National (Periodic) plans, Human resource and training
  5. Impacts of tourism in Nepal: Economic (income and employment generation), socio-cultural and environment, Challenges of tourism/issues, Case study.

DM 454 – Social Development:

Objective: The objective of this course is to familiarize the students about the basic tenants of social development, its characteristics, principles, policies, programs and strategies. Upon the completion of this course the students will be able to work in the field of social development and social sectors.


  1. Introduction- Meaning, nature, concept, significance of social development and its issues and challenges, social development and social change.
  2. Historical perspective of social development, philosophical schools of social development- capitalist and socialist, differences between development and social development.
  3. Policies of social development- role of the state in social development, welfare state and promotion of social development; social equity and social justice; human rights and social development; social development policies in Nepal.
  4. Social Development strategies- Social development and capacity building, human capital formation for social development; youth development, social security. Senior citizen, child development, health, education and sanitation programs for social development.
  5. Contemporary Issues in social development- stake holder’s participation in social development, poverty reduction and social development issues, inclusiveness and social development.

DM 455 – Auditing in Nepal

Objective: The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the general knowledge on auditing practices of government of Nepal along with the state-owned enterprises. After completion of this course the students will have a fair knowledge on the current methods of practice of auditing adopted by government of Nepal.


  1. Introduction of auditing, Concept and meaning, types of auditing
  2. Auditing Practice in Nepal: Historical background.Audits in Privet and Public Company in Nepal, Audit of Government Account in Nepal
  3. Government agencies and their role in auditing of Government account: Office of the Auditors General, Role and responsibility of Auditors General.Public Accounting Committee in the Parliament.Role and responsibility of the Public Account Committee in the parliament, Comptroller General Office, Role and responsibility of the Comptroller General office.District Treasury Office, Role and responsibility of the District Treasury office.
  4. Procedures and methods in Auditing in Nepal government account: Internal audit, Final audit, Procedures to submit Auditors General’s report to President.Method of handing the discrepancies and irregularities as appeared in the auditor’s report.
  5. Provision of Law and acts for auditing in Nepal: Legal Provision made for Auditing in Nepal.Act, Laws, By-laws and Regulation pertaining to Government auditing.

DM 456 – Disaster Management:

Objective: This course aims to impart the knowledge of disaster and its management so that student can learn strategies of disaster management upon the completion of this course.


  1. Introduction: Concept and types of disaster, Basic Functions of Disaster Management, Dynamics of disaster management
  2. Preparedness, response, rehabilitation and reconstruction in disaster management:
  3. Institutional arrangement: National organizations (Home ministry, Defence Ministry), Security agencies: Nepal Army, Nepal Armed Police Force, Nepal Police, Local bodies: Civil Society organizations, Inter-organizations coordination
  4. Policy and strategies: Disaster act and regulation, Disaster management in periodic plans & Resource mobilization, Action plan, Management information system and its use
  5. Case study

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Subas Niraula

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