Human Resource Management Area – Specializations Syllabus | Course of Content

HRM 461 – Nepalese Administrative System:

Objective: The objective of this course is to familiarize students on administrative system of Nepal from ancient era to date.


  1. Introduction, administrative system
  2. Ancient administration of Nepal, Kirata, and Lichchhabi period
  3. Mediaeval Administration of Nepal: Nepal Mandal, and Karnali Pradesh
  4. Modern Nepal’s Administration (1768-1951), Shah period, and   Rana Period.
  5. Modernization of Nepalese Administration (1951- onward) , Basic Structure and Features, Administrative Reforms, Administrative Culture

HRM 462 – Administrative Reform:

Objective: The objective of this course is to impart the knowledge and skills on administrative reform so that student will be acquainted to adopt the administrative reform policies.


  1. Introduction: Meaning and concept of administrative reform, necessity of administrative reform, administrative issues and reform, development and administrative reform, capability building and administrative reform
  2. Administrative reform in historical perspective- Reform during Rana rule, reform in democratic era, reform during Panchayat period, reform after 1990 and onwards-10
  3. Administrative Reform and institution building, administrative reform and change in civil service, decentralization and administrative reform
  4. Implementation of administrative reform and its implications on structure and functions of the government, Administrative reform and technology, fiscal implication of administrative reform.
  5. Administrative Reform and the role of the government Agencies, Issues and challenges of administrative reform in general and particularly in Nepal

HRM 463 – Human Resource Development:

Objective: The objective of this course is to aware the students about theory and practice of human resource development and its management so that after the completion of this course they can assume the role of human resource manager in the public as well as in private organizations.


  1. Introduction: Concept and Nature of human resource development;Human and social capital building and human development; indicators of human resource development, Function of HRM, difference between HRM & HRD.
  2. Human Resource Planning: Human resource plan at Macro and Micro Level; Governing factors for human resource plan.
  3. Acquisition and utilization of Human Resource: Recruitment, training and development, Human resource inventory, Performance appraisal, socialization, Promotion, transfer and retirement.
  4. Compensation and benefits: Salary and other benefits like health, education, transport, housing, insurance, safety, compensation policy
  5. Human resource Policies and Practices for human resource development: Inclusiveness; positive discrimination and affirmative policies; issues and challenges.

HRM 464 – Performance Management:

Objective: The objective of this course is to impart the basic knowledge and skill for improving the human performance in the organization. It intends to provide the contemporary conceptual framework of performance management.


  1. Foundation of Performance Management: Introduction, Perspectives of Performance management, pre-requisites of Performance Management, Characteristics of and Objectives of Performance Management, Principles of Performance management, Performance Management Model and Benefits of Performance management
  2. Performance Planning: Meaning of Performance Planning, Setting Performance Criteria, Characteristics and Principles of Performance criteria, Process of Setting Performance Criteria, Characteristics and Objectives of Performance planning, process of Performance Planning and Barriers of Performance Planning
  3. Performance Managing: Meaning, Characteristics, Objectives, Importance and Process of Performance Managing
  4. Performance Appraisal: Meaning, Characteristics, Objectives, importance, Principles , Process , Approaches and Methods of Performance appraisal
  5. Performance Monitoring : Meaning, Characteristics, Objectives, importance, Principles , Process  of Performance Monitoring Performance Management Audit

HRM 465 – Total Quality Management(TQM)

Objective: The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students about the application of the concept of total quality management in the organization.


  1. Fundamentals of TQM, Concept, Basic elements, Major approaches, Difference between traditional management and Total Quality Management, TQM System, Benefits of TQM
  2. TQM Processes: Concept and Significance of Process reform, Quality Process, Continuous Reform, Strategies for Total Reform, Crises management against Reform
  3. Quality and Quality Circle (QC): Concept of Quality, Quality Dimensions, Concept of Quality circle, Characteristics of Quality Circle, Scope and Objectives of QC
  4. Leadership in TQM: Role of Leadership in TQM, Attributes of TQM leadership, organization Culture and behavior, Norms for employees
  5. Continuous Improvement and Quality in Public Service: Concept of Kaizen, Characteristics of Kaizen, Kaizen cycle, implementation of TQM in Public Sector

HRM 466 – Employer-Employee Relations

Objective: This course aims to provide knowledge to students on the basic concept of employer-employee relations with a view to develop their skills in effective management work environment.


  1. Employer-Employee relations: concept and dynamics, Theoretical perspectives.
  2. Trade unions: introduction, Trade Union in Nepal. Employer’s association and employment relations. Role of government in employment relations.
  3. Labour policy and legislation: Major feature of labour policy in Nepal, Labour legislation and administration in Nepal.
  4. Dispute settlement mechanism, collective bargaining: Concept, nature and level of bargaining; the legal framework of collective bargaining in Nepal. Workers participation, forms and methods of participation. Workers participation in Nepal,
  5. Labour welfare programs and social security. ILO and Nepal.

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Subas Niraula

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