MPA Third Semester Syllabus
MPA 511: Public Policy-II
The objective of this course is to provide knowledge about the conceptual base and practice relating to policy process, actors, institutions and policy delivery analysis. The course intends to impart analytical knowledge, principles and techniques underlying policy delivery analysis and policy learning dynamics.
Course Contents
Unit 1: Policy Process, Actors and Institutions (LH 12)
- Policy problems, issues and agenda, agenda setting
- Role of governmental and non-governmental actors and policy perspective
- Factors affecting policy-making
Unit 2: Analytical Approaches to Decision Problem (LH 10)
- Concept of operations research (OR)
- Operations research techniques: linear programming, scheduling, inventory method, simulation method, PERT, CPM, (concepts and use in policy decision making)
Unit 3: Policy Implementation (LH 10)
- Concept of policy implementation
- Approaches to policy implementation: top-down, bottom-up and hybrid perspectives and policy action
Unit 4: Policy Monitoring and Evaluation (LH 10)
- Concept of monitoring and its approaches
- Concept of evaluation and its criteria
- Types of evaluation
- Constraints on evaluation
Unit 5: Policy Impact and Change (LH 6)
- Concept and dimensions of policy impact
- Issues relating to policy impact
- Policy transfer and lesson-drawing: concept and forms; actors, objects and degrees
- Issues and barriers
MPA 512: Administrative Law
This course aims to develop student’s knowledge and skills of administrative law required for effective management of administrative procedures in public administration.
Course Contents
Unit 1: Introduction to Administrative Law (LH 10)
- Concept, nature and scope of administrative law
- Sources and principles of administrative law
Unit 2: Constitutional Perspective (LH 10)
- Ideas and importance of the constitution
- The rule of law
- The theory of separation of powers
Unit 3: Legislation and Delegated Legislation (LH 10)
- Concept and process of legislation
- Delegated legislation: concept, need for growth and control
Unit 4: Grievance Handling Mechanisms (LH 10)
- Administrative tribunals
- Ombudsman, and Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA)
- Principles of natural justice
Unit 5: Judicial Review and Administrative Action (LH 8)
- Concept, nature and grounds of judicial review
- Writs
MPA 513: Public Enterprises Management
The basic objective of this course is to provide students with the skills and techniques in managing public enterprises.
Course Contents
Unit 1: Introduction to Public Enterprises (PEs) (LH 8)
- Concept of public enterprises
- Evolution of public enterprises
- Objectives of public enterprises
Unit 2: Organizational Pattern of PEs (LH 10)
- Classification of PEs
- Forms of organization: departmental, public corporation, state company, operating contract
Unit 3: Autonomy, Accountability, Social Responsibility and Efficiency (LH 12)
- Concept of autonomy, accountability and efficiency
- Autonomy vs. accountability
- Accountability of PEs and corporate social responsibility
- Criteria and approaches to efficiency measurement
- Overall performance of PEs and, organization and management aspects of PEs in Nepal
Unit 4: Pricing, Profit Policy and Governing Board (LH 10)
- Concept of pricing and profit; factors affecting pricing and profit
- Types of pricing system: break even, marginal cost, import parity, discriminating and cost plus pricing
- Governing board: need, composition, types and size of boards
Unit 5: Privatization (LH 8)
- Concept of privatization
- Forms/modalities of privatization
- Overview of privatization process in Nepal
- Issues and challenges of privatization in Nepal
- Gouri, G. (Ed.) (1991). Privatization and Public Enterprises: The Asia-Pacific Experience. New Delhi: DHI Publishing Company.
- Gupta, K. R. (2006). Issues in Public Enterprises. New Delhi: S Chand & Company.
- Naraian, L. (2007). Principles and Practices of Public Enterprises Management. New Delhi: S Chand & Company.
MPA 514: Contemporary Management
The role of public sector is changing in the modern world. Understanding the current agenda, issues, approaches and theories help students in the concerned field. The main objective of this course is to acquaint the students with new agenda, issues, approaches and theories in public sector.
Course Contents
Unit 1: Public Affairs Management (LH 12)
- Concept of public affair management (PAM)
- Paradigm shift in PAM: new public management (NPM), new public service (NPS), new public governance (NPG)
Unit 2: Management Approaches (LH 14)
- Strategic management: concept and significance of strategic management in public sector; process in formulation of strategic management; implementation of strategic management in public sector; problems on implementing strategic management
- Performance management: concept and significance of performance management; process of performance management and performance related pay
Unit 3: Discretion, Integrity and Ethics in Public Sector (LH 8)
- Concept of discretion, integrity and ethics
- Discretion management in public sector
- Ethics management in public sector
Unit 4: Marketing of Public Services (LH 6)
- Role and functions of government
- Public services delivery system
- Marketing strategies for public services
Unit 5: Emerging Management Techniques in Public Sector (LH 8)
- Innovative management
- Total quality management
- Knowledge management in public sector
- Diversity management
- Bangural, Y. & George A. L. (2007). Public Sector Reform in Developing Countries. UK: Palgrave Macmilan.
- Brendan, C. N. (2001). Public Sector Reform: An International Perspective. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Shahi, H. B. (2018). Contemporary Public Management. Kathmandu: Radhika Shahi.
MPA 515: Global Governance
The course has been designed to familiarize students with the fundamental concepts, theories, mechanisms, issues and challenges of global governance. Similarly, the course introduces students with the roles of global and regional institutions in the contemporary globalized world. The course also aims at exposing the students to the emerging global challenges to create awareness of the situations that the present world is facing.
Course Contents
Unit 1: Introduction to Global Governance (LH 12)
- Global governance: concept and actors
- Overview of theories of global governance: realist theory, liberal theory, constructivist theory, Marxist and Neo-Marxist theories
Unit 2: Foundations of Global Governance and the United Nations (LH 8)
- The state system
- Multilateralism in the twentieth century
- The League of Nations and the formation of the United Nations (UN)
- Introduction to the UN: purposes, principles and organs
- Role of the UN in global governance
Unit 3: Contemporary Issue Areas of Global Governance (LH 8)
- Peace and security governance
- Human development governance
- Human rights governance
- Environmental governance
Unit 4: Global Organizations and Regionalism (LH 12)
- Roles of the World Bank, IMF, WTO, ADB, ILO and International Criminal Court (ICC)
- Regionalism: overview
- Regionalism in South Asia: genesis and introduction to SAARC
- Achievements and challenges of SAARC
Unit 5: Challenges of Global Governance (LH 8)
- Organized crime and international terrorism
- Cyber crime
- Communicable diseases
- Money laundering