BPA Fourth Semester Syllabus | Course of Content
BPA 401 Social Change and Nation Building
Objective: The course objective aims to impart the knowledge of social change and nation building. It also helps to better understanding of social change and nation building.
- Concept of Social change; factors affecting; process and theories of social change;
- Social institutions and change: family, marriage and social change, education, religion, polity and social change
- Phenomena of social change: social movement and social change, collective behavior, gender role, urbanization, and information technology
- Concept and theories of Nation building: Nations, State, nation building and state-building, capacity building, national identity, social harmony, social inclusion, peace-building, post-conflict reconstruction, international politics of ethnicity and nationalism.
- Nation building in Nepal: history, social inclusion and affirmative action, problem of nation building in Nepal; gender discrimination, girls trafficking, caste-based untouchability, exclusion of marginalized communities; Democratic governance and efforts of restructuring the state.
BPA 402 Comparative Politics
Objective: The objective of this course is to provide the knowledge of politics comparatively to the students.
- Comparative politics: meaning, nature and scope, Challenges of State, and State-building.
- Comparative political system, Structure and Functions; Political Socialization and Political culture; Functional aspects of political system; Comparison of political system, the development of political system
- Interest articulation: interest articulation structure; interest groups, channels & means of access style; Interest aggregation and political parties; The capabilities of political system
- Comparing politics in India & China
- Political Development and governance in Nepal: Phases of Political and Constitutional development since 1768 A.D.; Challenges and opportunities of democracy and governance; Political Parties and Pressure Groups- their nature and roles; State structure- central, sub-national and local; Local self government – Their roles and functions; NGOs and INGOs in Nepal
BPA 403 Basics of Public Policy
Objective: The objective of this course is to introduce students the basic concept and principles of public policy that will enable them to understand policy making issues and it relevance in the contemporary society.
- Introduction to Public Policy: Context of public policy; Concepts of public policy and policy analysis; Nature of public policy; Types of public policy; Scope of public policy; Significance of studying public policy
- Theories of Policy Making; Pluralism; Elitism; Institutionalism; Functionalism
- The Policy Making Process; Components of the policy making process; Problems and Issues; Policy agenda; Actors & Institutions; Resources; Factors influencing policy making process; Concept of Policy cycle
- Policy Implementation: Elements of implementation; Implementers; Approaches to policy implementation- Top –down model& Bottom-up model; Conditions for effective implementation
- Policy Monitoring and Evaluation: Concept of policy monitoring and evaluation; Functions of evaluation; Evaluators; Criteria of evaluation; Problems of evaluation
BPA 404 Nepalese Legal System
Objective: The objective of this course is to provide the concept of law, its philosophy and applications in general and particularly in Nepal.
- Concept of law, purpose, types, nature and importance,
- Sources of law- legislation, custom, precedent, convention,
- Schools of law- natural law theory, analytical school, sociological school, realist school; functions of law and its relation with other discipline;
- Judiciary in Nepal- district court, appealate court and supreme court;
- Judiciary process in Nepal and case study
BPA 405 Development Planning and Nepalese Economy
Objective: The course objective is to provide the better understanding of development planning theory and Nepalese Economy.
- Development Planning: Concept of Development and Growth; Concept of Development Planning; Types of Planning; Importance of development planning in developing countries
- Nepalese Economy and development plan: Structure and corporate of Nepalese Economy-Agriculture and non-agriculture; Sources of Resources- Natural, human, physical, financial, social capital resources
- Planning in Nepal : Overview and characteristics of National Planning in Nepal; Economic Policies, Programme and Progress; National Plan Formulation Process; Role of Planning Institutions
- Human Development in Nepal; Concept of Human Development; Human Development Status of Nepal; Poverty and its status in Nepal; Causes and effect of poverty in Nepal
- Concept of Foreign Trade and Commerce; Trade policy; growth and composition of foreign trade in Nepal and its issues and constraints.
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