BPA Second Semester Syllabus | Course of Content

BPA 201 English-II

Objective: This course aims to present the learners with the language and concepts found in books and newspapers and magazine articles on public administration/management and economics; to develop the comprehension of management texts; to develop the listening skills in the fields of public administration and management; provide the learners with opportunities to express management concepts, reformulating the learner’s own while summarizing, analyzing, criticizing and discussing ideas.


  1. Grammatical and structural review of English: review of standards grammatical forms and their application in a variety of business and public administration writings.
  2. Reading comprehension: development of reading comprehension proficiency with special reference to business and public administration topics
  3. Composition skills: writing logical, coherent and persuasive prose related to management

BPA 202 Development Administration

Objective: The objective of this course is to impart basic knowledge of development management. In addition, this course aims to provide theoretical understanding of development and the role of development partner.


  1. Introduction: Concept of Development; Development and growth, and modernization; Development administration- Concept and meaning; Difference between development administration and non-development administration
  2. Theoretical approaches: Comparative public administration; Bureaucracy; Prismatic Sala model; Decentralization; People’s participation; Sustainable development; Institutionalism
  3. Organization and Institution: Concept of organization and Institution; Institution-building model; Nation building; Barrier to Nation building; and  Nationalism
  4. Development partners: Role of government; Role of private sector; Role of third sector; Role of international organization (UNO and its specialized agency, WB); Role of regional organization (SAARC, EU, ASIAN)
  5. Issues of development: Cross cutting issues- efficiency and performance;Citizen Charter; Maladministration and Corruption; Administrative reform; Environment management; Human rights; Impacts of ICT in society; Service delivery

BPA 203 Macroeconomics

Objective: The purpose of this course is to impart the concept, knowledge of macroeconomics. After completion of this course, students will be able to know the components of macroeconomics as well.


  1. Introduction of Macroeconomics, Concept and Scope of Macroeconomics; Importance and uses of Macroeconomics; issues of macroeconomics
  2. National Income Accounting: Concept of National Income; Measurement Approaches: Expenditure Method,  Income Method, Product Method; Difficulties in Measurement of National Income; Importance and Use of National Income
  3. Components of Macroeconomics: Concept of consumption function(Average and Marginal Propensity to Consume, Psychological Law of Consumption, Determinants of Consumption Function); Concept of saving(Paradox of Thrift, Determinants of saving); Concept of investment(Marginal Efficiency of Capital, Determinants of Investment); Concept of Multiplier (Leakages of Multiplier, Importance of Multiplier); Concept of Employment(Classical Theory of Employment, Keynesian Theory of Employment)
  4. Theories of Inflation and Trade Cycle: Concept of Inflation and Deflation and Factors Influencing Inflation; Computation of Rate of Inflation; Effects and Control of Inflation; Concepts of Trade Cycle; Phases of Trade Cycle and Economic Stabilization Policy
  5. Monetary and Fiscal Policy: Concept of Monetary Policy; Objectives and Instruments of Monetary Policy; Demand and Supply of Money; Concept of Fiscal Policy; Objectives and Instruments of Fiscal Policy; Significance of Fiscal Policy in Developing Countries.

BPA 204 Fundamentals of Psychology:

Objective: To enable the students to understand basic processes and structures underlying human behavior as a basis for managing people in an organizational setting.


  1. Introduction-concepts, major perspectives, trends for New Millennium and applications.
  2. Research Methods. Perception and Social thought.
  3. Motivation and Emotion and applications of emotion.Learning-concept, theories and applications.
  4. Memory and Forgetting.Thinking and Problem solving.
  5. Human intelligence, Emotional intelligence and its applications, Personality.

BPA 205 Basic Mathematics

Objective: The objective of the basic mathematics is to provide the students basic mathematical skill required to understand social activities and to enhance quantitative analysis in social science research.


  1. Set Theory, Real Number System and complex number: Concept and specification of sets; Types of sets and their relations; Laws of sets; Type of real numbers: Natural numbers, Integers, Rational numbers Irrational numbers and Real numbers; Properties: addition, Multiplication, cancellation, distributive and order; Concept of  complex number
  2. Functions, Limits and Continuity: Constant and variable. Concept of functions. Types of functions. Graphic representation of algebraic, logarithmic and exponential Computation of functional values; Domain and range of a function;  Concept and theories of limit. Limit of function at a particular point and at infinity.
  3. Differentiation and Integration: Concept of derivatives.(Principle of algebraic, logarithmic and exponential functions);  Methods of differentiation; Maxima and Minima of a function of one variable; Concept of integration; Methods of integration(algebraic, logarithmic and exponential functions)
  4. Vectors, Matrix and Determinants: Concept of vector and algebra; Concept of matrix and algebra; Concept of determinants and algebra
  5. Probability: Concept of probability; Factorial notation, permutation and combination; Basic type of Probability (classical approach, relative frequency approach and subjective approach);  Some fundamental rules of probability(additional rule, multiplication rules, conditional probability)

Download official BPA 2nd Semester syllabus published by Faculty of Management, Department of Public Administration, Tribhuvan University.

Download official BPA 2nd Semester syllabus published by FOMECD, Tribhuvan University.

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