BPA Seventh Semester Syllabus | Course of Content

BPA 701- E-Governance

Objective: The objective of this course is to familiarize students on e-governance that how the public service are exchange between public institution and citizen.


  1. Introduction: E-governance, meaning and significance, E-Government: meaning, Difference between e-governance and e-government. Role of e-governance in Public Administration
  2. Applications of ICT in Governance: Concept and components of ICT. Role of ICT in governance. E-service application in Nepal
  3. Models of e-governance: Citizen and government interface. Business community and government interface. Local government and central government interface. Citizen and business community interface
  4. Policy of e-governance: Information policy, Right to information act. Good governance act. Cyber laws etc
  5. Challenges of e-governance in Nepal

BPA 702 – Recent Trends in Public Management

Objective: This course intends to know students about new issues in public affairs management at present.


  1. Reforms in Public Sector: Background of Public Sector activities, Failure of  Traditional Public Sector, Principal Agent Theory, Public Choice  Theory, Institutional  Theory
  2. Public Sector: Management by Objective, Management by Result, Corruptions in  Public Sector, Problems  and challenge in Public  Sector,  Solution of  Problems  and challenge in Public  Sector
  3. Public Sector Management: Office Management, Complain Management, Public hearing, Mobile Service, Citizen Charter
  4. New Public Management: Need of New Public Management, Concept of New Public Management, Characteristics of New Public Management, Strength and weakness of New Public Management, Application of New Public Management
  5. Marketing of Public Sector: Liberalization, Globalization and Privatization, Public Privatization partnership, Effective Service Delivery, Total Quality management, Constraints of Marketing   Public Services

BPA 703 – Security Management

Objective: The objective of this course is to impart the knowledge of security and its management. Students will be able to understand the dynamics of security management.


  1. Introduction: Security Management, Concept and nature,
  2. Issues in Security Management: Security threats: Insurgency, terrorism, Demonstration, Theft, Burglary, cyber crime, human trafficking
  3. Institutional Arrangement for Security Management: Institutional arrangements for security management and their functions: national security council, implementing agencies such as Home ministry, Defence ministry, Nepal Army, Nepal Police, Nepal Armed Police Force, National Investigation Bureau, and Private Security agencies)
  4. Security and Development: Concept and its importance, community policing
  5. Contemporary Issues in Security Management: Security Policy strategies and contemporary issues in Nepal

Specialization II

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Specialization III

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