BPA Sixth Semester Syllabus | Course of Content

BPA 601 Research Methods in Public Administration

Objective: The objective of this course is to familiarize student about Principle behind research work, Practical knowledge of research work and perform research work in field.


  1. Introduction: Concept of Research, Nature and Objectives of Research, Characteristics of Research, Signification of Research
  2. Fundamentals of Research: Concept of literature review, Concept of research problem, Concept of variables, Concept of measurement, Research methods(Descriptive, Explanatory and Explorative), Technical aspects such as citing reference, bibliography and annex
  3. Data collection methods in social science:Data and its type(Quantitative, qualitative, Chronological, Geographical), Data Collection methods, Schedule ( Concept ,Purpose, Type ,Importance ,Merit and Demerit, Questionnaire (Concept ,Purpose, Type ,Importance ,Merit and Demerit), Interviews (Concept ,Purpose, Type ,Importance ,Merit and Demerit), Observation Methods ( Concept ,Purpose, Types ,Importance ,Merit and Demerit
  4. Sampling: concepts, meaning, significance and types
  5. Proposal and Report Writing: Concept, function, type, purpose of writing academic Proposal.Steps of writing academic Proposal, Features (Qualities) of a good academic Proposal, Concept, function, type, purpose of writing Report.Steps and of writing academic Report.Features (Qualities) of a good academic Report.

BPA 602 Government Budgeting, Auditing and Accounting

Objective: The objective of the course is to provide students a basic knowledge of budgeting, accounting and auditing so as to make them competent and capable in understanding evolution, Principles and theories together with significance of Finance and Budgeting in operation.


  1. Budget: Meaning, features and component of budget,Classification of budgeting, Formulation of budget cycle, history of budget in Nepal, Theories of budgeting, Process of budget formulation and budget cycle, history of Budget   in Nepal.
  2. Accountancy: Conceptual Foundation, Book-keeping and accounting: meaning and importance, Accounting: principles, concept and conventions, Double-entry system: meaning and features 2. Financial Transaction and Record Keeping (Accounting records), Accounting equation, Journal, debit and credit rules, books of original entry, types of accounts and subsidiary books including Cash Books and Petty Cash Book, Ledger accounts,Trial balance, Depreciation, Bank reconciliation
  3. Financial Statements: Income Statement: meaning, importance and contains/items of trading and manufacturing account, profit and loss and appropriation account; Balance sheet and statement of shareholders’ equity,
  4. Governmental Accounting: Financial administration of Governmental of Nepal; Store Accounting: Introduction, features, importance and forms used for recording, Principles and procedures of Nepal Government’s expenditure accounting system based on budgetary accounting; Treasury Single Account, Budget Sheet and Ledger Accounts, Financial reporting by field offices.
  5. Auditing:Introduction, importance, objectives, types, internal auditing system of government of Nepal

BPA 603 Computer Applications

Objective: This course aims to provide students a fundamental knowledge in the management information system (MIS), Decision support system (DSS) and underlying database management system (DBMS). It introduces students about file system, relational DBMS and some newer concepts like NoSQL system. It makes them proficient in developing and using RDBMS system. Students should be able to extract useful information from raw data for management and business administration using DBMS.


  1. Introduction: Data and Information, Definition of and characteristics DBMS, File organizations; the sequential file organizations; the indexed sequential file organization, Information systems, Transaction processing systems, office automation systems
  2. Information Storage Technologies in Use: Data storage in flat file, unstructured and semi-structured, Introduction to RDBMS, Web, big data and NoSQL
  3. Database Systems – Concepts, Architecture and Models: Data models, DBMS architecture and data independence, Database environment, E-R model; Relational Model
  4. Introduction to SQL, Queries, Set operations, Null values, Joined relation, DDL and DML
  5. Concepts of Constrains, views, triggers, transactions: Security and integrity violations, Access control and authorization, Concept of views, triggers, indexes, transactions, Concept of OLAP, data cube, report generator
  6. Lab Works about above course &Project work: Applications of Database Systems in Organizations

BPA 604 Environment Management and Climate Change

Objective: The objective of this course is to familiarize the student on environment management so that they can learn to strategies to save environment and climate change.


  1. Introduction: Environment and Development: Meaning, components, Importance of Sustainable Development: Evolution of Environmentalism, Emergence, Meaning and Features of Development.
  2. Environment and Ecology: Ecology: Meaning, Types, Components.
  3. International and Regional Initiatives for environmental management. Environment Impact Assessment and Climate Change: Environmental Impact Assessment: concept, need and importance and practices. Climate change and its adaptation: Its nature, impact, mitigation and adaptation.
  4. Institutional Arrangement in Nepal: Government, NGOs, private sector, local government, and legal instrument.
  5. Environmental management in Nepal: Environmental Initiatives in Nepal: Policies, plans and strategies of Government on Environment.Environmental Issues in Nepal: Environmental issues that are facing Nepal and their solutions.

Specialization – I

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