Local Governance Area – Specializations Syllabus | Course of Content

LG 471 – Local Planning

Objective: This course aims to ensure students to learn about the planning and its importance at local level, its strategies, processes and its outcomes so that they can assume the responsibility as planner at local level.


  1. Concept and approaches of local planning; Role and importance of planning at local government level; relations between local plan and national plan
  2. Roles and responsibilities of local governments; Situation analysis and need assessment stakeholders participation; Resource planning and local plan
  3. Planning process at local bodies: planning at VDCs and Municipalities and District level planning, participation of different stakeholders in local planning process
  4. Focus of local planning in Nepal- priority areas of planning, resource planning and priority of planning; plan implementation,
  5. Monitoring and evaluation, issues and challenges of local planning, field work

LG 472 – NGO Governance

Objective: The objective of this course is to provide the students with an understanding of the concepts and practices of Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) and its role in development.


  1. Introduction: Concept of voluntarism, Concept of Civil Society Organization/NGO, NGOs as Social capital, Roles and Functions of NGOs
  2. Growth of NGOs in Nepal: A Brief Account of Traditional Welfare Services in Nepal, Growth of Modern NGOs in Nepal, Registration and affiliation process of NGOs in Nepal, Types of NGOs in Nepal. INGOs and their role in Nepal
  3. NGOs in Development: Socio-economic status of Nepal, Overview of development plans and their contributions.
  4. NGO Governance: Monitoring and evaluation of NGOs/INGOs, Accountability of NGOs.
  5. Issues and Implications of NGOs in Development, Examining NGO as an Alternative Institution, Current Issues and challenges of NGOs. Case Studies

LG 473 – Rural-Urban Partnership

Objective: The aim of this course is to orient the students about rural urban partnership and its role in minimizing the differentiation between rural and urban development, its strategies and measures to be taken in so that the students will be able to understand the changing context of development and also can assume the responsibility as change agents.


  1. Meaning and concept of rural urban partnership, relationship with development, its importance, importance of complimentary developmental role through partnership.
  2. Basic theories of rural urban partnership – Core and periphery Model; Gateway Model; Central Place Theory; Growth Pole Model; Regional Development Model.
  3. Relationship between Town and Hinterland- classification of rural and urban areas; migration and linkage, resource and linkage, technology and product and linkage; Techniques of rural urban linkage and importance of networking in linkage building.
  4. Rural Urban Linkage and Entrepreneurship Development- Human capital formation and development; Institutional Development for linkages and its forms for partnership for entrepreneurship.
  5. Rural Urban partnership and Local Governments- Role of Local Governments in rural urban partnership, Tole and Lane organizations for partnership; partnership and poverty reduction

LG 474 – Public Private Partnership

Objective: The objective of this course is to acquaint students about the recent trends of governance and development through the participation of stakeholders. At the end of the course the students will be familiar with the concept, principles and practices of public private partnership.


  1. Meaning and concept of partnership, objectives of partnership, its relevance in development, partnership and service delivery, Privatization and PPP
  2. Setting the framework: Policy rationale, legal and regulatory framework, investment framework and implementation framework
  3. PPP project life cycle: Project initiation and screening, business case, conducting feasibility, tendering and procurement, bidders selection, contract signature, PPP performance monitoring and contract compliance
  4. Models and types of public private participation- service contract, management contract, leasing, Concessions, Built Operate and Transfer Models (BOT),
  5. Policy objectives of public private partnership, working strategies for public private partnership for development PPP policy, issues and challenges- and risks therein, field visit and presentation of the field report.

LG 475 – Local Finance in Nepal

Objective: The course intends to impart knowledge of finance especially in local bodies of Nepal. Students will be able to understand dynamics of local finance after completion of this course.


  1. Introduction: Concepts of local finance, Need and importance of Local Finance in Economic Development
  2. Fiscal Decentralization in Nepal: Approaches of Fiscal Decentralization, Fiscal Decentralization Policy and its dimensions
  3. Fiscal Federalism: Concept of Fiscal Federalism, Division of Fiscal Power and Functions: Allocation, Distribution and Stabilization, Vertical and Horizontal Fiscal Relationship
  4. Local Government Revenue and expenditure in Nepal: Sources of revenue at local bodes in Nepal: Tax and Non-tax , Grants in Aid, Local Government Borrowing, Pattern of Local Government Expenditure, Local budgeting, Local accounting and auditing
  5. Resource Mobilization at local bodies, Resource Mobilization at Local Body: DDC, VDC and Municipality, People’s Participation in Local Resource Mobilization, Role of Partnership for Local Resource Mobilization, Issues and challenges of local finance in Nepal, Case study

LG 476 – Public Service Delivery

Objective: The objectives of this course is to aware the students about the paradigm shift in the policy of the government to act in partnership or in a collaborative way so that the services delivered to the people become reliable, satisfactory and trust worthy in quality and quantity.


  1. Introduction: Concept and meaning of public service delivery, pattern of service delivery, Sectoral engagement in public service delivery.
  2. Forms of service delivery, procedures of service delivery, technology used in service delivery, RTI and Public service delivery
  3. Approaches in public service delivery, organizations, planning and control for public service delivery, transparency in public service delivery
  4. Networking in public service delivery, interrelationship between citizen and governments in service delivery, integrity in service delivery
  5. Issues in public service delivery- quality vs quantity, service standard, bench-marking, participation and accountability

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Subas Niraula

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